Monday, January 19, 2009

New Vids

My ideas for my new videos are:

- Some Chuck Norris video
- "I Kissed A Girl/Pug" music video
- A lipsync to a song
- That NASCAR & Bass Fishing video
- A song about everyone I know
- A "How-to" video
- "The Difference between Crash and Splat"
- Claymations

I do requests for lipsyncs!
No guarantee that we will use the song you chose, or any of my fellow members will do it along with me though.
I will probably lipsync the song you want me to do, but PLEASE don't make it something like "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star". Here's a list of good stuff:

- bad song
- funny, strange songs
- mostly appropriate song. Don't give me something that sounds disturbing or cusses a lot.
- if it says "Yo Mamma"!

Also, send an entry in for the contest!!!

One more thing! Remember that anyone can give Crash ideas for episodes!!!

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