Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Crash's New Video with Sean!

Crash has made a video with Sean in it! It's random, so it's not very funny. You may want to watch it just to see me and Sean sing!

By the way, my cat is cool!

One question for all of you: Do you people think Mark should still be in Crash? (Cause I sure don't.....)


bankerboy said...

cool video and you took my video game stuff idea andy. i dont know if mark should be in it its your decision oh and if anybodys is dying to be in bankerstudios the answer is no its only me and casey. go to bankerstudios.blogspot.com please

Crash Man said...

Okay Nick! Thanks for the compliment! I actually didn't get the idea of "Video Game Stuff" from you, (unless my mind was unconciously thinking about it XD)I just wanted to run a cool website that gives the spotlight to some games that aren't well known, or even some that I just like.

Crash Man said...

Also, I don't want to be in Banker Studios. I'm already in Crash. One more thing, I thought I asked you if you wanted to be in Crash! I don't mind, but I wish you'd tell me that you don't want to be in Crash now!

DragonLord said...

SHUT THE HECK UP!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I farted

Crash Man said...

Joey, take a chill pill.....

bankerboy said...

i started my own thing so ha and right on joey just kidding

Friel4Real said...

im in this video!! andy

