Well, that gigantic Lucas picture took up the whole post... Hmph.....Now I have to make a seperate post. OK, so now you know a character from Mother 3, let's talk about what exactly Mother 3 is.
Mother 3 is an RPG (Role Playing Game) with a comedic twist. Well, not really a twist, but, uh...
Twist sounds cooler than "Mother 3 is a funny game. Tee-hee!" It's a very funny game!
Here are the characters in Lucas's family:
Flint: Lucas and Claus's dad. You play as him in the first chapter, but that's all.
Hinawa: Flint's wife. Something (no spoilers!) happens to her in the first chapter.
Claus: The prankster troublemaking son of Flint and Hinawa
Lucas: The main character, a timid boy who cries a lot (AKA: crybaby)
And last, but not least, Boney: The family's pet dog
Now, I know I didn't get into detail, but that's because I don't want to spoil the game for you!
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