Wednesday, December 31, 2008
My Quiz!
Once you have clicked on the link, click "Quizzes" and take my Homestar Runner quiz!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
New Video!
Click HERE to go to my 2nd website, and click on "Videos" and then "Lasagna" to view it!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Crash Website 2!
Click HERE to go to it.
P.S: It's hosted by Webs, formerly Freewebs.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Hey Guys!
See Ya!
Whoops, I guess that's what Joe says, isn't it.... ;)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Splat Forum
I consider it my forum too, because it has a Crash section, and I personally think that it would be stupid if I made a totally different forum even though there is a section a Splat's forum for Crash.
Click HERE to go to it!
Make an account!
By the way, my name n the forums is CrashMan, Joey's is Yogiashi, and Joe has two; ex4joe and eelikay, but he mostly uses eelikay. Cole's is gameboycole
Monday, November 24, 2008
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I Have Some Ideas!
Jebidiah Smitherson, unknown age at this time, farmer type dude that sells mayonnaise and stuff.
Jedidiah Smitherson, same age as Jeb, no clue what his occupation is
Billy (or something), unknown age, bass fisher and NASCAR racer
Jake (or something), younger than Billy, same thing
Little Yard Gnomes
Because someone doesn't believe that this is how the song goes, I'm posting this.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Little Yard Gnomes
Andy made this lyrics sheet, because he felt like it. BTW, you can watch this song on Youtube and the song was made by Shawn Tyler Gray. There is one version on my "Videos" playlist, and one in my favorites.
Little Yard
(Guitar plays)
We walk by them every day……
Never stopping to say…… (Guitar riff) “Hey, how ya’ doin’?”
Sometimes we look the other way….
Avoiding their stares, ‘cause we don’t care how they’re doin’..
Yet they (slight pause) smile through the pain…..
They smile every day!
Little yard gnomes!!!
They need a home!! They’re all alone!
On the Wal-Mart shelf….
Little yard gnomes!
Take one home!(hold out long)
And love one for yourself…. (guitar)
And love one for yourself….
But underneath their silly grins…
Deep down within (pause) their hearts are breaking
Yet they take it on the chin…
Waiting for the day when someone’ll take them away…
Yet they smile through the pain
They smile every day!
Little yard gnomes!
They need a home!
They’re all alone! (a little quieter) On the Wal-Mart shelf…
Little yard gnomes! Take one home!
And love one for yourself… (x2)
If they could only speak to us, I know just what they would say!!!
They would say,
(Elmo type voice) Little yard gnomes! We need a home!
We’re all alone! On the Wal-Mart shelf….
Little yard gnomes!! Take us home!!
And love us for yourself…
Love us for your (pitch gets higher) self!!
*Elmo voice laughs* “Oh, my….”
Hey Hey He-he-hey Charlie the Unicorn Remix
I'm going to start posting Youtube Videos of the Day back on my Crash blog...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
UPDATE!: Just figured out! I think he's Mark Tushar!
Or however you spell his name!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Support BalloonShop!: Go to this Website!
Click here to watch it!
NOTE: It didn't work when I viewed it in Mozilla Firefox, so view it in Internet Explorer or something (I used Internet Explorer, but if you have something different it might work too).
Crash Lipsync- Tomorrow
Read the description on Youtube.
Please comment if you would like to see the full video on my blog!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Crash- Parody Video of Fred
Well, please comment on this post if you voted, but you don't have to tell what you voted for.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
My Blogs
Crash: Here, obviously
Video Game Stuff: or CLICK HERE!
Random Stuff: or CLICK HERE!!!
Please check them out and subscribe if you haven't, because they're just a good as this one!
Remember to start from the first post! You can look at older posts by scrolling to the bottom of the posts and clicking "Older Posts" or you can just click on an older post you'd like to view on the post archive on the right side of the screen if you scroll down.
Splat: Rant on Stupid People
It's the 100th post!
Monday, November 10, 2008
What songs should we do lipsyncs to?
Well, if you have any ideas (even if they are joke ideas) post them!
P.S: I'd like to stay off the track of songs that Nigahiga or any other popular lipsinger(or whatever they're called...) has lip synced to already
Balloon Shop Needs Your Help!
Yeah, I know. I should've posted this on my "Random Stuff" blog, but only the Splatter ever looks at that.
A Crash Avatar

Use this on any website that you can have an avatar on (if you want, that is).
If you like this one, comment and I might make more!
To save this image on your computer, right-click the image and click "Save Image As...." and save it somewhere on your computer.
P.S: I'm keeping the thing about my avatar in my profile because I might change it back
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Very Small Update
It's not really worth looking at, but I guess you can.
Click here to go to my website.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Crash's New Video with Sean!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Rumours suck!
And if you don't know the absolute truth about something, don't say it!
If you do know the truth, don't say it either! Unless it's something you should say, for example "Mrs. Lady, Andy shot that guy in the head!"
If it's something like "Josh's favorite music is the "Clean Up" song from Barney." don't say it (unless he wants everyone to know)!
And just in general, don't be mean, be bully-free! Okay, that was a cheesy thing to say, but you should still not gossip or spread rumours!
P.S: I didn't shoot anyone in the head, and Josh does not listen to Barney music. Just thought I should mention that.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Video Game Music of the Day!
Sorry, I thought I posted it on my Video Game Stuff blog, but if you look at it my way, free advertising for my other blog! Click here to view my video game blog!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My Halloween Costume
I'm also going to wear bandages, have a scar over my eye, and of course wear a blue/black long sleeved shirt and pants.
New Members!
Current Members: Andy (me), Cole (Suziski Rocket), Ben (Sir Gutsman), and Maximillion (if you'd count him as a different person, that is...)
Want-to-join-but-haven't-been-in-any-videos-people: Mark (He's in 6A), Peter (sometimes make's posts on Joey's blog), Jeffrey (He's even the guy that came up with the idea for Crash! I mean, I'm really the only one who planned it, but he kind of says stuff that's really weird), Josiah( Yeah, Um, if you know him well....Let's just say I don't think he'll be in any videos), Emily (Don't think she'll be in any either)
People I want kind of maybe in Crash: Ryan Higa (Just kidding!)
Okay, this time people that could realistically join Crash....... maybe. : Sean (pug1134 on Youtube), maybe someone else cool and collected..... Well, actually, Sean is the exact opposite of cool and collected. We could also have Nick (bankerboy) because...... I don't know..... just because.
Also, I really think we need a girl in Crash, because not everyone thinks we're funny, and Crash is supposed to be funny in a bunch of ways.
Please comment if you have any ideas on who you want to be in Crash!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
List of Friends Blogs
P.S- I'm not going to write "http://", or "" because that's obvious enough.
Joey- this is splat- splat-com, pokemon-nintendoworld
Joe- The Splatter- ex4joe, thisissplat, totalpointlessity
Cole- Suziski Rocket- gameboycole
Nick- bankerboy- terrencenewman,bankerboygames,fanclubto,marktushar, greattailbacks
Ben- Sir Gutsman- sirgutsman
Sean- frielforreal- frielforreal
I probably really obviously forgot someone, so please comment if you notice a mistake.
Maximillion's Halloween er.......!!
Please rate and comment on this video! And subscribe if you haven't!
Monday, October 27, 2008
My Maximillion Video- The Second One!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Another New Blog
It's kind of weird, but you should still look at it.
Today I also went to Joey's house ("Not went over, went to" like Mrs. Tisdale always says) and Joey made two Splat videos and I made a video for Crash. Joey's computer is really slow, so we couldn't upload the video for Splat today,(by the way, the reason I'm only talking about one video is because he didn't want the other one uploaded) and asked me to upload it for him. It will probably take a while to upload his because I have other stuff to do though. I'll probably have mine up sooner than his. That's it!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
I am going to cry *sniff*
Please comment *sniff* if it was *sniff* you.
Ok, just kidding! ; )
But you should still comment if it was you!
George Potter
By the way, I made it up as I went along, so it's reeeeeeeeeally stupid!
Youtube Video of the Day: Potter Puppet Pals: The Mysterious Ticking Noise
Listen to Harry Potter singing!
My New Blog : Video Game Stuff
By the way, for now the feature "Youtube Video of the Day" will still be on this blog.
Friday, October 24, 2008
New Cheesy Video!
By the way, my sister wasn't actually watching that show!
She only likes a couple of them.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
My Actual Youtube Video of the Day!
It's made by Sean, for those of you that know him. It's very weird.
Anyway, I was thinking of inviting some friends over tomorrow to make videos (and take my video game test for science) to make up for what we lost.
We even had like, our whole class in one of them! Yeah! Seriously!
By the way, I don't know why I'm posting this, but Splat is kind of like our rival in video making (though Joey always borrows my camera).
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Usernames Again and Question
Neopets- ducky4168- 1 out of 5- never go on it (anymore) ducky4168- 2 out of five - Maybe Last year....
Kongregate- ducky4168- 3 and a half out of five- Sometimes...
Line Rider- ducky4168- 1 out of 5- never
Youtube- ducky4168- 5 out of 5- A lot!
Nick- avatarhero- 2 out of five- sometimes use it to watch videos
Runescape/FunOrb- ducky4168- 4 out of 5- Go on FunOrb a lot! Runescape, not so much....
4kids- ducky4168- 4 out of 5- When I remember, which is a lot.
Also, I will be creating a new poll.
See ya!
Cancelled Games : Halo DS!
Apparently, a Bungie employee confirmed this, so it probably is true.
By the way it's CANCELLED! Which means that YOU CANNOT BUY IT AT A STORE!
Click here to watch a video of it on Youtube.
Mother 3 (cont.) AGAIN!!!!
It isn't officially released in English, but the cool people down at made a patch for it so you can play it in English! Bear in mind that it's illegal to own a ROM (Basically a copy of a game you can play on a computer with an emulator) if you DO NOT own the original game!
Claus and Lucas's names can be rearranged to spell the names of each other!
Mother 3 is the sequel to Earthbound (Earthbound was released in the US)
Mother is the series name in Japan, and Earthbound is the series name in the US
Only Mother 2 (Earthbound) was released in the US, not Mother or Mother 3.
Ness (also from Super Smash Bros) is from Earthbound/Mother 2!
I know a lot more about the game, but just contact me someway if you want to know more about it!
Mother 3 (cont.)
Well, that gigantic Lucas picture took up the whole post... Hmph.....Now I have to make a seperate post. OK, so now you know a character from Mother 3, let's talk about what exactly Mother 3 is.
Mother 3 is an RPG (Role Playing Game) with a comedic twist. Well, not really a twist, but, uh...
Twist sounds cooler than "Mother 3 is a funny game. Tee-hee!" It's a very funny game!
Here are the characters in Lucas's family:
Flint: Lucas and Claus's dad. You play as him in the first chapter, but that's all.
Hinawa: Flint's wife. Something (no spoilers!) happens to her in the first chapter.
Claus: The prankster troublemaking son of Flint and Hinawa
Lucas: The main character, a timid boy who cries a lot (AKA: crybaby)
And last, but not least, Boney: The family's pet dog
Now, I know I didn't get into detail, but that's because I don't want to spoil the game for you!
Mother 3
Andy's Game
I've only been working on it since yesterday though. As soon as I find out how to make videos (if I ever do) with Game Maker, I'll show you how messed up it looks.(I mean that in the best possible way...)
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Youtube: ducky4168 ducky4168
Kongregate: ducky4168
MFGG- Mario Fan Games Galaxy- ducky4168
Neopets (don't go on anymore): ducky4168
Runescape/FunOrb: ducky4168
And probably a lot more.
Gangsta' Life
Wow.........OK guys, but you'd better be serious!
I just noticed....
Monday, October 20, 2008
Like the Logo?
who's really good at drawing (not just stick figures!) in general. All credit for the design is hers! She may also be a random character that shows up in random situations in our videos.
For an example I'll use the gangsta' video.
Joey: Moving on!
(cuts to new scene)
Charlotte: Crap.....
Ok, maybe not that random, but still kinda' random.....
Results for the poll!
It was awesomely awesome! (6 people, 60%)
It was good. (2 people, 22%)
I guess it was OK....... (1 person, 11%)
It sucked so badly, it sucked your butt off! (0 people, 0%)
Stencyl: Easy Game Creation!
Click here for the link!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
5th Crash Video on Youtube!
Well, even if it isn't when it's done you can watch it by clicking here.
Video Game Music of the Day
Video Game Character Poll
Master Chief - Tie for 1st- 40%
Mario- Tie for 1st- 40%
Sonic- Tie for 2nd- 10%
Kirby- Tie for 2nd- 10%
Splat's First Video on Youtube, and Crash's er....5th video on Youtube
Also, Crash's 5th video will be on Youtube soon.
(BTW, it's called "Maximillion...")
I'll post as soon as I notice that it's up!
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Splat's (not Crash's) First Video
Cool Games Website!
Oh yeah! If you have a Runescape account, you can use the same username and password for FunOrb. Click HERE to go to FunOrb's website.
More ideas.....
Friday, October 17, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
New/Old Crash Video Exclusive to the Blog!
Yeah, we do sound pretty nutty, don't we?
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Old Video From Crash; New on Youtube!
Click here for the link.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Legal Streaming Anime Website
If you don't believe that it is pronounced that way, click here. Also, click here to go to the Hulu website.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Unique Game
Science Fair Project : On Video Games!
1. You come to my house for at least 30 minutes
2. You play 3 games for 10 minutes each, and record your score, how far you got, your age group, and how many times you've played the game before.
By the way, the 3 games you play are PREPICKED! So, sorry, but you don't get to choose the games you'd like to play.
Also please comment so I know if you can come or not.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Video Game Music of the Day!
Click here and enjoy!
I don't think you can get sued for this, but I will write this message anyway.
The music that the link leads to is a remix of a song owned by Capcom!
Submit your questions in NOW!
My Friends' Blogs
Nick-, he also has more blogs (you can check those out too!)
Matt (he's Joe's friend)-
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Super Mario Brothers (Tesla Coils)
This has got to be the coolest thing ever! And if you don't know what Tesla Coils are, get a dictionary!
Dino Run
Dino Run Run for your life and escape the oncoming wall of doom! |
Play this free game now!! |
Click the link above to play one of my favorite games: Dino Run!
50 views celebration!
By the way, the special is only on Youtube! You can find the link to it in one of my old posts.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
The Gangsta' Life- On Youtube!
The Gangsta' Life (DRAFT)
Hey guys! I'm posting this video on the request from "splat member". Hope you like it! The characters that will be switched are Joe (because he said he doesn't have to guest star in it) with someone else, and Cole's part is going to be switched with me (maybe).
Crash Episode 2
This is the 2nd episode of Crash! I already posted a link to it on the blog, but here's the video.
Charlie The Unicorn
This is the famous Youtube video Charlie the Unicorn. Here are the lyrics to the Candy Mountain Cave song.
Oh when you’re down and looking for some cheering up
Then just head right on up to the candy mountain cave
When you get inside you will find yourself a cheery land
Such a happy and joy filled and perky merry land
They’ve got lollipops and gummy drops and candy things
Oh so many things that will brighten up your day
It’s impossible to wear a frown in candy town
It’s the Mecca of love the candy cave
They’ve got jellybeans and coconuts with little hats
Candy rats, chocolate bats it’s a wonderland of sweets
Ride the candy train to town and hear the candy band
Candy bells it’s a treat as they march across the land
Cherry ribbons stream across the sky into the ground
Turn around it astounds it’s a dancing candy tree
In the candy cave the imagination runs so free
so now Charlie will you please go into the cave.
Youtube Videos!
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Joe: Guest Starring in an episode of Crash!
You can find the video by clicking HERE.
By the way, my username on Youtube is ducky4168, and if you click here you can go to my channel!
Handy Dandy Stuff
1. This list is not supposed to be funny
2. If you watch a video on Youtube, and you have an account, you can press the "Share" button underneath the video you're watching to share it in various ways
3. There is some information you can fill out on " The 'Tube" in your profile.(I think) One of the things you can put is your blog....that's right....your blog! If you press "Share" after you fill out the info about your blog, you can click "Post to Blog"
4.If you scroll down to the bottom of any blog, you can click the words "Older Posts" to see(Guess What?) older posts!
The Ninja Glare
Chorus (x2)
You can't see me
I'm blending in just like a pine tree
I am unseen, You can't see me cuz
I'm a ninja, nin, ninja, ninja, nin, ninja.
Verse 1
Hey, can't see me
Am I a bird or am I a tree?
What's flying so high in the ayer (ayer)?
I'm a ninja don't stare (stare)
Fast like the witch is Blair (Blair)
I bet you don't even care
Here I go, there I go, this is my song
Being ninja you gotta be strong
Most of us found in Hong Kong
Where is my automobile now Dong?
Catching everything with my chopstick
Making loud noises with every hit
Moving unseen so fast so quick
I bet you wish you had all my ninja tricks
Be a Ninja like me
Just watch me now and you will see!
Chorus (x2)
You can't see me
I'm blending in just like a pine tree
I am unseen, You can't see me cuz
I'm a ninja, nin, ninja, ninja.
Verse 2
Hey were dressed in black
Just like emos except for the fact
We don't stab ourselves, we stab your back
Its just our way to sneak attack
We see you coming cuz we have wall hacks
Don't come near us or we'll give you slap
And no sense in running cuz we set up a trap.
Here comes the slow motion... C C C CRAP!
Run like me
Hide like me
Don't forget your fatality
Dance like a ninja in the club
Even though you'll look just like a scrub
Watch this vid learn something rare (rare)
This move looks like a square (square)
Just throw your hands in the air (air)
Follow me, do the Ninja Glare!
Chorus (x2)
You can't see me
I'm blending in just like a pine tree
I am unseen, You can't see me cuz
I'm a ninja, nin, ninja, ninja, nin, ninja.
The lyrics are from the description of the video.
Joe: Guest Starring in an episode of Crash!
The Gangsta' Life
So long!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Even More Video Games!
Super Mario RPG 3, Wii Speak, Club Nintendo and more! Click here to go to and read the post about it!
Lookit This!
Very strange indeed....
(I really wonder how it senses such little movements...)
Click here to see the trailer on Youtube.
Nintendo DSi
This is awesome!
Nintendo is making a new version of the DS with a built in camera and music playback functionality! It isn't fake! The only disadvantage is that it can't play GBA games. And according to, it is getting released in the USA in late 2009! Click here to see it.
This is my Name...
So feel free to say Crash Man, or Andy.
I've also been trying to get the blog on search engines like Google,
but it just isn't working! I can find Joe's and Joey's, but not mine!
"Weird Al" Yankovic
Have you guys heard of Weird Al?
Probably not.....
Well anyway, he parodies songs. (BTW, parodies means makes fun of)
Click here to see a Star Wars parody of "American Pie"
Click here to see a parody of "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys called "Ebay"
Click here to see a parody of the song "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt called "You're Pitiful" (By the way, this creepy man takes his shirt off, so you may be better off searching for it yourself)
Click here to see a parody of "American Idiot" by Green Day called "Canadian Idiot"( He's not serious about Canadians being idiots)
I'm sorry, I don't know the name of the original song but click here to see "White and Nerdy"
He also has a song called "Yoda" that's a parody of the song "Lola",
but I don't feel like giving the link to that.
Favorite Website
I just wanted to give a link to my favorite website,! I've told some of you about it,
*cough* Joey *cough* but you haven't went to it.
Click here to see it.
It's pretty weird, but weird is cool, right!
Am I right?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
My video is still processing though, so I'm not giving the link to it yet.
A Strange Video...
I know you do!
I hope you guys are laughing!
P.S : This video is not for Crash!!
Stupid Video and Poll
because only the edited version has that stuff.
I would also like to remind you about the poll on the side of the page!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sorry Guys...
It was because I made my movie into a Windows Movie Maker file,
because I actually made 4 different movies and "smash"ed them together.
Hopefully I get a Youtube account soon so I can upload the video to Youtube and give a link to it here.
Side of the page
Like, right now.
Well, as you can see (or if you can't, you should get glasses) there are some Youtube videos, (not by me) a picture of my cat, and a poll.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Indroduction of a New Dude
Hey Guys!
I want to introduce my friend "The Splatter" to everyone reading.
He is pretty cool, and he has his own blog too. I really think
you guys should check his posts out. He is creating a Machinima.
Since many of you probably have no idea what one is, you should check out his blog. If you'd like to see it, click here!
This is the blog for Crash Video!
I also have my own website at
So far my website kinda sucks, but it will get better sooner or later.
That's all for now,
Crash Man