Thursday, November 27, 2008

Splat Forum

Splat has created a forum!
I consider it my forum too, because it has a Crash section, and I personally think that it would be stupid if I made a totally different forum even though there is a section a Splat's forum for Crash.

Click HERE to go to it!
Make an account!

By the way, my name n the forums is CrashMan, Joey's is Yogiashi, and Joe has two; ex4joe and eelikay, but he mostly uses eelikay. Cole's is gameboycole

Sunday, November 23, 2008

I Have Some Ideas!

I have finally come up with some ideas for videos! Here is some of the characters I'll be using in them!

Jebidiah Smitherson, unknown age at this time, farmer type dude that sells mayonnaise and stuff.

Jedidiah Smitherson, same age as Jeb, no clue what his occupation is

Billy (or something), unknown age, bass fisher and NASCAR racer

Jake (or something), younger than Billy, same thing

Little Yard Gnomes

Because someone doesn't believe that this is how the song goes, I'm posting this.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Little Yard Gnomes

We listened to a really weird song in music class this week, and I'm going to post the lyrics if you want to know them. I would print them out, but my printer isn't working/is broken.

Andy made this lyrics sheet, because he felt like it. BTW, you can watch this song on Youtube and the song was made by Shawn Tyler Gray. There is one version on my "Videos" playlist, and one in my favorites.

Little Yard
(Guitar plays)

We walk by them every day……
Never stopping to say…… (Guitar riff) “Hey, how ya’ doin’?”
Sometimes we look the other way….
Avoiding their stares, ‘cause we don’t care how they’re doin’..
Yet they (slight pause) smile through the pain…..
They smile every day!

Little yard gnomes!!!
They need a home!! They’re all alone!
On the Wal-Mart shelf….
Little yard gnomes!
Take one home!(hold out long)
And love one for yourself…. (guitar)
And love one for yourself….
But underneath their silly grins…
Deep down within (pause) their hearts are breaking
Yet they take it on the chin…
Waiting for the day when someone’ll take them away…
Yet they smile through the pain
They smile every day!
Little yard gnomes!
They need a home!
They’re all alone! (a little quieter) On the Wal-Mart shelf…
Little yard gnomes! Take one home!
And love one for yourself… (x2)

If they could only speak to us, I know just what they would say!!!

They would say,

(Elmo type voice) Little yard gnomes! We need a home!
We’re all alone! On the Wal-Mart shelf….
Little yard gnomes!! Take us home!!
And love us for yourself…
Love us for your (pitch gets higher) self!!

*Elmo voice laughs* “Oh, my….”

Hey Hey He-he-hey Charlie the Unicorn Remix

I'm going to start posting Youtube Videos of the Day back on my Crash blog...

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Do any of you have any idea who mktoosh is? Cause I sure don't.....

UPDATE!: Just figured out! I think he's Mark Tushar!
Or however you spell his name!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday, November 14, 2008

Support BalloonShop!: Go to this Website!

Go to this website to watch a Balloon Shop video!
Click here to watch it!

NOTE: It didn't work when I viewed it in Mozilla Firefox, so view it in Internet Explorer or something (I used Internet Explorer, but if you have something different it might work too).

Crash Lipsync- Tomorrow

Read the description on Youtube.

Please comment if you would like to see the full video on my blog!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crash- Parody Video of Fred

UPDATE!: Has been taken off Youtube because I didn't add the last part, and it's not that good. Feel lucky if you've seen it already.


Wow! A lot of people voted on my old poll! Guess how many people! 18 people! Yeah, 18 people! i only know like, 6 people who voted, or maybe 7! I like exclamation points!

Well, please comment on this post if you voted, but you don't have to tell what you voted for.

Finished New Video!

Yay! I made a new video, and I just need to edit it!

Slightly More Girly Crash Avatar

Just colors that a lot of girls like. Nothing more than that...

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My Blogs

Here's a list of my blogs that were originally started by me:

Crash: Here, obviously
Video Game Stuff: or CLICK HERE!
Random Stuff: or CLICK HERE!!!

Please check them out and subscribe if you haven't, because they're just a good as this one!

Remember to start from the first post! You can look at older posts by scrolling to the bottom of the posts and clicking "Older Posts" or you can just click on an older post you'd like to view on the post archive on the right side of the screen if you scroll down.

Splat- A Rant About Stupid People

This is Joey's new video.

Splat: Rant on Stupid People

I finally finished editing Joey's Rant on Stupid People. Well not finally, because I just started working on it today, and it took me about 5 minutes. That's all!.......except for...........................
It's the 100th post!

Monday, November 10, 2008

What songs should we do lipsyncs to?

I have a couple ideas. First of all, I think they should be lipsyncs and also music videos at the same time. Is that a good idea? I also think that we should do the lipsyncs to either (songs we really like/hate a lot, popular songs, and just plain weird songs). I really don't think we should do a lipsync to "Farmer Jebidiah's Ol' Country Farmhouse", because no one's ever heard of it. Even I haven't.....

Well, if you have any ideas (even if they are joke ideas) post them!

P.S: I'd like to stay off the track of songs that Nigahiga or any other popular lipsinger(or whatever they're called...) has lip synced to already

Balloon Shop Needs Your Help!

Yeah, I know. I should've posted this on my "Random Stuff" blog, but only the Splatter ever looks at that.

A Crash Avatar

Use this on any website that you can have an avatar on (if you want, that is).
If you like this one, comment and I might make more!

To save this image on your computer, right-click the image and click "Save Image As...." and save it somewhere on your computer.

P.S: I'm keeping the thing about my avatar in my profile because I might change it back

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Very Small Update

I made a small update on my Crash website.
It's not really worth looking at, but I guess you can.
Click here to go to my website.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Crash's New Video with Sean!

Crash has made a video with Sean in it! It's random, so it's not very funny. You may want to watch it just to see me and Sean sing!

By the way, my cat is cool!

One question for all of you: Do you people think Mark should still be in Crash? (Cause I sure don't.....)

Monday, November 3, 2008


This is for anyone who goes to my school.
Rumours suck!
And if you don't know the absolute truth about something, don't say it!
If you do know the truth, don't say it either! Unless it's something you should say, for example "Mrs. Lady, Andy shot that guy in the head!"
If it's something like "Josh's favorite music is the "Clean Up" song from Barney." don't say it (unless he wants everyone to know)!
And just in general, don't be mean, be bully-free! Okay, that was a cheesy thing to say, but you should still not gossip or spread rumours!

P.S: I didn't shoot anyone in the head, and Josh does not listen to Barney music. Just thought I should mention that.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Video Game Music of the Day!

Comment if you know it or need help! And by the way, I'll give you guys a big hint if you comment to say you need help!

Sorry, I thought I posted it on my Video Game Stuff blog, but if you look at it my way, free advertising for my other blog! Click here to view my video game blog!